Mid-week I was driving through town when I noticed a local pond had frozen over and there were *people**walking**on**the**ice* (!!!!). This was a big deal to me as I had no firsthand experience with walking on frozen bodies of water, and I had developed a vague fear of ice in nature from these scenes in movies:
But ya know, fear begets…curiosity?
So we drove over to the pond, and encountered the most beautiful sight:
Emboldened by the magic that was happening (!!), I ventured out onto the ice
and made my way over
She was a lovely person !! Here is her Insta to see the final results of her videos:
AND she has a tiktok that has grown from …29 followers….to 780 over the course of 4 days ?! Anyway, she is beauty and she is grace, and she brought me joy on a bitterly cold day ❄
Bonus joy:
stopped thru a Mickey D’s today (1/31) and noticed spicy chicken mcnuggets were BACK ON THE MENU, which if you haven’t been invested in viral fast foods during this pandemic, was a whole thing for about a month in the fall. And checked McD’s Twitter only to discover we got a 1-day advance on the nuggs 🏆😏🐔
To anyone in the Northeast right now, good luck with the storm that is coming through tomorrow. Stay safe, stay cozy ☕